
How To Make A Gift Guide For Blog

Need a quick fashion to heave traffic and sales? Is there whatsoever vacation or special occasion coming upwardly? If and so, you just might want to brand a gift guide!

(And fifty-fifty if there's no occasion, you tin make one up 😉 Because gift guides help increase sales. Pretty much always.

Souvenir guides fun to read, inspiring, and assistance solve an immediate problem: what to gift the of import people in your life. In other words, they're a keen fashion to put your best products forwards, at the right time, when shoppers are looking for something to buy.

And while browsing, proficient merchandising and an bonny presentation help nudge your buyers towards things they would never would accept idea of.

While they're popular twelvemonth-round, gift guides do especially well during the holidays because they assistance relieve the #holidaystress that comes with having to make and then many decisions.

Co-ordinate to AdWeek, the average shopper spends over $660 on vacation gifts. And the National Retail Federation reports that some retailers earn xxx% of their revenu at the holiday times (especially jewelers)!

How early should you lot start creating a guide? For holiday guides, the respond is right later on the previous season. Most larger businesses commencement preparing in June or July!

But it's non never likewise late (or besides early) to first planning your own. In this post, we're going to:

  • Explore why you should create gift guides to increase your sales (especially during the holidays)

  • Talk about how to beginning planning your souvenir guide

  • Become through the pros and cons of a few different types of gift guides

  • Link out to some examples and templates to brand information technology easier for you to make your own

And so let's go over a few types of gift guides to create and look at some great templates for you to brand your ain magic!

This post contains affiliate links, which ways if you make a purchase through one of my links, I may exist compensated. This helps fund me to write better content for you!

How To Start Planning For Your Gift Guide

Go out your bullet journal, your shop history, your convos with past buyers, your social media posts… and sort through them all to cull a few products that you want to highlight. So get in all look fab!

Sounds like a tall order? It is, but if you're in a rush, The Shop Files has a great mail walking you through the tactical side of creating a holiday gift guide.

What Kate says, and which many other retail strategists echo, is that you have to do a piddling inquiry to effigy out what might sell all-time.

Also, grouping your products into categories will help you sell more. Remember, you're trying to guide people towards the best purchases for the mother/male parent/married man/co-worker/and-and so-on in their life, then what you choose to feature might not exist for your platonic client/target audience.

That's why general bucket categories similar gifts for him, gifts for her, gifts under $l, or unique handmade gifts do well.

Merely practise a keyword search for "souvenir ideas" and you'll come across who people are shopping for:


You tin besides create find keywords for your collections, for case: "the best golden earrings under $100".

When y'all start group your products for buyer personas, you can either choose to create one large gift guide with subsections or several guides for each dissimilar person or category.

Ideally, you'll exercise both 🙂

Choosing Which Kinds of Gift Guides to Create

Making a gift guide is easy. Making many gift guides, to fit the context of different platforms takes a lot of time.

Because when you lot create one piece of content, no thing what it is, you're going to desire to postal service it in different places. Your weblog. Emails. Instagram. Facebook. Pinterest. YouTube. Mailouts. In-Person Events.

(At present you run into why major retailers start early?)

Merely I'm going to make your job a piffling easier by talking about the main types of guides, show some examples, and link out to some templates.

Hither we become!

1 | Create Web log Postal service and Embedded Gift Guides for Endless Traffic

Blog posts are one of the best types of gift guide to create.

Information technology's super easy for anyone to find a handful of products, blazon in a few sentences near each product, and striking publish. Ideally, you'll want to include a lot of text alongside your images to help you lot rank for shopper-friendly keywords.

If you practice your keyword research right, your gift guide post volition help you rank for years to come up, and you lot can even earn a few backlinks if you make information technology your guide thorough enough.

Nearly name brands and pop online magazines create seasonal gift guide web log posts along with general guides. They normally live in a "gifts" weblog category where these evergreen posts bring traffic year after year.

Similarly, merely mayhap a little easier than a blog, are embedded slideshow gift guides. They live on a single page and you click through the images like a slideshow. Hither's an example Etsy jewelry gift guide.

Tip: If yous're on Squarespace, you can use its slideshow feature and insert your text as descriptions that will show up alongside each slide.

Other online sources embed pins or affiliate links direct into their blog post (hint: similar I do throughout mine).

Finally, Newspaper and Sew does take a curated wall of affiliate products that you can scan and shop. It's kind of like a shoppable Instagram feed on their website.

So find some best-sellers, get out your keyword tools, and start typing away! (Then cross-promote with the next type of guide.

2 | Drive More Traffic with Pinterest and Instagram Gift Guides

Pinterest and Instagram are 2 visual platforms that any e-commerce business should be on. You tin have shoppable posts on both platforms, and if you lot're using an app like Tailwind to schedule your posts, y'all tin do it all from one easy platform.

Instagram is–as the name suggests–instant, and then yous'll want to continue your content fresh. But Pinterest has an average Pin life of about 3 years, meaning that when you publish a gift guide to Pinterest, it tin bring you traffic for longer than your "gifts" are in stock!

Pro Tip: You can use Tailwind's new Smart Loop Feature to loop holiday boards and re-promote pins during specific time frames. Super for seasonal gift guides!

How to pattern your pins and posts? Try a free layout from Canva, a mood board, or better yet, find unique templates on Creative Market, similar this 1 from designer Basil&Bark.

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Here's a bully live example from Twitter with a caption.

3 | Email Gift Guides To Your Subscribers

You know the holidays are coming when your inbox starts filling up with gift guides. Sometimes this happens months in advance.

While I do receive some shoppable, click-through guides, I actually like the emails that are designed like catalogs, with swell photography and interesting layouts. In fact, I've merely started a Pinterest board collecting some of the best email gift guide inspiration.

If yous're creating email gift guides, you lot can start with free templates from your email provider. Merely information technology's much more memorable if you create on-make email campaigns from a template or custom blueprint.

Both Etsy and Creative Market have a dandy selection of email marketing templates.

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4 | Create Online and Printed Gift Guides/Catalogs to Make Shopping Easy

I saved this proposition for last considering creating catalogs and printed souvenir guides takes the about amount of time and resources. Merely they as well do and so much more than web log posts towards establishing your make in its own right.

There's something and then much more personable about holding a paper guide in your hands, especially if you create handmade or manus-crafted appurtenances.

And if you're into fashion or selling to a high-cease market, catalogs and printed guides are expected.

The holidays are an ideal time to release a mini gift guide/itemize where you've repackaged your products with some seasonal flair.

I recently published a mail service on the best catalog and lookbook templates for fashion and designer brands. Templates are a fine style to start out, but unless your look is streamlined and minimal, yous'll want to add your own touches to make the template fit your brand and not the other way around.

You can easily plough your printed catalog into an interactive publication and post it to a platform like Issuu to gain widespread exposure. Only tag your guide with words similar "holiday gift guide", or "summertime gift guide".

Demand some more than inspiration? See this collection of holiday gift guides I've curated.

Wrapping It Upward

Souvenir guides are the gift that keeps on giving. Not only do they bring in seasonal sales, just they can help yous establish your brand and bring y'all buyers for years to come.

I hope this post gave you lot enough inspiration to go out and create your ain guide. Just start planning your categories, choice your formats, and start designing!

And remember, designer is ever better 🙂


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